Amazing amy doll manual
Amazing amy doll manual

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So go ahead and share the love 😀ĭON’T: Please do not sell this pattern or publish it in its entirety on any website because that would make me very sad and force me to send my ninjas after you. SHARING: You can pin any image of this doll on Pinterest or give your blog readers a heads up regarding the availability of this free pattern by using any of these images, followed by a link to my blog.

amazing amy doll manual

Send me your link and I’ll give your online shop a mention on my blog. Xenon 2, Kings quest, Ultima, Kyrandia, The Incredible Machine, Another World, Test Drive, Flashback, Lemmings. I’d love to hear from you and see your Amys. I’d also like it very much if you mentioned somewhere in the description of the doll that it’s made from a “Twisted Fibers original design”. SELLING: Unless you happen to run a sweatshop somewhere, I don’t mind if you sell your dolls made from this pattern. I’d be thrilled if you drop me a line (along with your link) I’ll make sure to give your Amy a mention on my blog. A local toy store is hosting a contest to see who can use their imagination to create the most amazing doll. So I encourage you to use this pattern and make little Amys for yourself, your friends and your family.

amazing amy doll manual

(15)ÄȘrms: Round 4: (sc3, dec 1) twice, sc 2 (8)ÄȘ few words on Using, Sharing And Selling this Amy Doll:

Amazing amy doll manual skin#

(12)īody: Round 28: Change to white skin color and sc around. Shoes & Legs: Round 5 – ( sc1 sc2, dec 1) around.

Amazing amy doll manual pdf#

If you like Amy and want to give this amigurumi pattern a try, you can download the print-friendly PDF below.ÄŹORRECTIONS (The following corrections have not been made to the pdf yet.) She’s dumped her boring coat and heavy boots and is now rocking her white peasant top, sweet Mary Janes, and her new “Spring hair makeover”. Now that the Winter’s over and the woolens have gone back to where they hibernate for the rest of the year, Amy is thrilled. Ladies and gentlemen who crochet, I give you * drum rolls please* Amy, the amigurumi doll, my very first amigurumi design 😀 Amy is 6 Âœ inches tall and loves Spring. Today is the day I contribute to the community that has given me so much. Amazing Amy Amazing Amanda Doll Amazing Amy Doll Instructions. Thanks to these wonderful people, I was able to learn this new craft and enjoy countless hours of crafting bliss. Nearly all 300,000 dolls sold, ranking Amy as one of the top 10 new toys of 1998 and the.

Amazing amy doll manual for free#

Last year, when I was taking my baby steps into the world of crochet and amigurumi, I was astounded by the sheer volume of patterns and tutorials offered for free by the ever generous crafting community.

Amazing amy doll manual